Discover how AI is revolutionizing business operations and can transform your organization.


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  • Comprehensive approach to AI - Gain technical and strategic insights into key technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics.

  • Real-world business applications - Integrate theory and practical applications to address real business needs with AI, managing economic, societal, and implementation challenges.

  • Human-centric AI leadership - Explore how AI strengthens the workforce to solve business challenges, highlighting its symbiotic relationship with humans.

  • Generative AI insights - Stay updated on the evolving AI landscape, gaining in-depth knowledge of generative AI's workings, challenges, and applications across industries.

6 weeks, excluding orientation
6-8 hours per week, entirely online
Weekly modules, flexible learning
Multiple payment options



A practical grounding in artificial intelligence (AI) and its business applications, equipping you with the knowledge and confidence you need to transform your organization into an innovative, efficient, and sustainable company of the future.


The ability to lead informed, strategic decision-making and augment business performance by integrating key AI management and leadership insights into the way your organization operates.


An understanding of what generative AI is and how it works — including its applications and limitations across various industries — and insights and strategies into how to adapt to and work with generative AI to drive value.


A powerful dual-perspective from two MIT schools — the MIT Sloan School of Management and the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory — offering you a sound conceptual understanding of AI technologies through a business lens.


Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer just a futuristic sci-fi trope — it’s here now, and it’s here to stay. Innovative technologies are revolutionizing business as we know it, and they’re more accessible than ever.

But to truly harness the transformative potential of AI, you need to know how and when to use it. Develop a practical, realistic grounding in AI and its business applications with this online short course.


Over the duration of this online program, you’ll work through the following modules:

Module 1: An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Deduce how to gain strategic advantage through the use of different kinds of intelligence.

Module 2: Machine Learning in Business
Evaluate the appropriateness of a business application for machine learning.

Module 3: Natural Language Processing in Business
Evaluate the appropriateness of a business application for natural language processing.

Module 4: Robotics in Business
Evaluate the appropriateness of a business application for robotics.

Module 5: Artificial Intelligence in Business and Society
Assess the impact of AI on the future of work and society.

Module 6: The Future of Artificial Intelligence
Develop a road map for an organization to gain strategic advantage through the use of artificial intelligence.

Please note that module titles and their contents are subject to change during program development.


Thomas Malone

Patrick J. McGovern (1959) Professor of Management, MIT Sloan School of Management; Founding Director, MIT Center for Collective Intelligence

Malone is a professor of information technology and organizational studies at the MIT Sloan School of Management. His research focuses on how new organizations can be designed to take advantage of the possibilities provided by information technology.

He has published his groundbreaking research in the book The Future of Work, and over 100 articles, research papers, and book chapters. His newest book, Superminds, appeared in May 2018. He holds 11 patents, has co-founded three software companies, and is quoted in numerous publications such as Fortune, the New York Times, and Wired.

Malone holds a BA from Rice University, two master’s degrees, a PhD from Stanford University, and degrees in applied mathematics, engineering-economic systems, and psychology.

Daniela Rus

Director, MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)

Rus is the Andrew (1956) and Erna Viterbi Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and director of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at MIT. She serves as the director of the Toyota-CSAIL Joint Research Center and is a member of the science advisory board of the Toyota Research Institute.

Rus’ research interests are in robotics, mobile computing, and data science. Rus is a Class of 2002 MacArthur Fellow, a fellow of ACM, AAAI and IEEE, and a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She is the recipient of the 2017 Engelberger Robotics Award from the Robotics Industries Association. She earned her PhD in computer science from Cornell University.

What’s in store

View exclusive highlights from the course in this video playlist:

“At MIT Sloan Executive Education, we are focused on bridging the energy, engagement, and idea flow of physical in-person teaching and learning into online experiences. We aim to positively modify individual and collective behaviors that participants will take back to their teams and propagate throughout their organizations.”

— Paul McDonagh-Smith, Digital Capability Leader, MIT Sloan Executive Education


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